Caregiver Support Group meets Tuesday, February 18 and every third Tuesday of the month at the Perry-Moore House at 6:30 pm. If you or someone you know are caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia, make plans to attend. Call Amy Hamilton, Alzheimer's Association Volunteer Educator at 828-305-2278 for more information.
Church Council will meet next Sunday, February 23 at noon in the Fellowship Center. All the council members, please join us.
Church/Vehicle Keys – If you have a church key that is no longer being used, please turn it into the church office. Thank you.
First Church has been asked to donate Pancake Mix during the months of February, March, and April. You may place your donations in the bin marked “Yokefellow” in the Donation Station outside the Front Room.
Altar floral arrangements: The Worship Committee would like to extend to you an invitation to give the gift of flowers. There is an Altar Flower Sign-Up Sheet for 2025 on the bulletin board outside the church office. Please take this opportunity to honor or remember someone special by accepting responsibility for the altar floral arrangements. Thank you.
Attention parents of children up to and including the fifth grade: To comply with our Safe Sanctuary Policies you are asked to accompany your children if they leave the sanctuary during any church service. Thank you! Worship Committee